Houses & Villas in Ciputra Hanoi, villa for rent in Ciputra Hanoi

Villas in Ciputra

We have a large database of available houses and villa rentals in Ciputra Hanoi International City, Vietnam. Our updated properties will help you to find your ideal home for rent in Hanoi, your online in a short time from a listing of thousand property with photos. 

The villa in Ciputra Hanoi International City includes 5 Block : G, D, C, T, K and big villa in Q Block offers different land of the area is suitable for single to big and diplomatic families such as 126m2, 150m2, 180m2, 217m2, 330m2, 350m2, 500 m2 with 4-5-6 bedrooms.

The house in Ciputra Hanoi are provided the best infrastructures including electricity, clean water supply system, wide road and open neighbourhood landscape and ring fresh air from the green atmosphere around. Life in Ciputra Hanoi is good, safe for children to play outside and quiet enough. It's quiet and safe for kids to run around and play or ride their bikes. 

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